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Passion For Transforming Lives

Doron Dickman, CEO of Holmes Place Germany, on the Power of Inspiration in Driving Change

Passion for Transforming Lives

WEB Doron Dickman, Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Holmes Place, emphasizes the crucial role of inspiration and motivation in leading a company dedicated to improving people's lives. With a team of over 400 professionals, Holmes Place strives to inspire individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles.

Holmes Place Germany's Impact

As the CEO of Holmes Place Germany, Dickman spearheads the company's mission in Germany. Headquartered in Berlin, Holmes Place Germany operates fitness clubs and wellness centers across the country, offering comprehensive fitness programs and personalized support to help members achieve their health goals.

Bridging the Gap between Health and Lifestyle

WEB Holmes Place Boutique is a strategic extension of the Holmes Place brand. Through this initiative, the company aims to provide accessible and convenient fitness options in smaller, urban locations. Dickman believes that by making fitness more accessible, Holmes Place can empower more people to prioritize their well-being and lead healthier lives.
